Prominent Leaders @DBUU

Prominent Visitors at DBUU


Hon'ble Governor of Uttarakhand

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Prof. (Dr.) Anil Sahasrabudhe

Chairman (NETF, NAAC, NBA)

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Shri Ganesh Joshi

Hon'ble Minister of Agriculture,
Govt. Of Uttarakhand

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari

Ex Honourable Governor, Maharashtra,
Ex Chief Minister of Uttarakhand

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Prof. Durgesh Pant

Director General, UCOST, Uttarakhand

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat

Cabinet Minister, Higher Education,
Govt. of Uttarakhand

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Mr. Anil Raturi

IPS. Former DGP of Uttarakhand

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Dr. Sci. (Tech) Gleb G. Rogozinsky

Lead Researcher, Lab of Ecology of Transport Systems, Russia

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Prof. Dr. Sunil Kumar Joshi

Honorable Vice Chancellor, UAU, Harrawala

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Dr. Chandra K. Deshmukh

(Dietician & Yogacharya) BAMS,
Gold medal in Diet & Ayurveda

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Dr. Bhim Singh

SERB National Science Chair and Emeritus Professor, IIT, Delhi

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Dr. Indira Khurana

Himaliyan River Basin Council

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Dr. Rajendra Singh

(Water Man of India)
Ramon Magsaysay Award Winner

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Er. Narendra Singh

Ex President, IEI, Kolkata

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Mr. Sanjay Rana

Founder & Director ESRO , India

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Prof (Dr.) Anita Rawat

Director, Uttarakhand Science Education and Research Centre (USERC),
Govt. of Uttarakhand

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Dr. Ruby Gupta

Award-Winning & Best-Selling Author

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Dr. Jaiwanti Dimri

Author and Retired Associate Professor

Prominent Visitors at DBUU

Dr. Sanjay Jain

MBBS, MS Ortho Ananda Hospital, Meerut