Summer Training / Internship Program

Each student is expected to undertake summer training in companies of repute for the duration of 6-8 weeks, as part of course curriculum. Students are required to work on projects given to them either by the organization or selected by students themselves. Post completion of the Projects or the Internships, the students are supposed to prepare a Report. This report preparation itself is a full-fledged learning exercise in application of theoretical concepts into practical situations. The Final Placement is an important activity for the Institution and all the processes are aligned in its accordance. Keeping in mind the existing and expected job opportunities, we plan to provide placement services to our students. For effective placements, we establish close ties with the companies, which are in the process of providing jobs to our students. The CRC keeps itself in continuous touch with the Corporate World and especially the recruiter organizations for this. They provide opportunities to the recruiters and the aspiring students for responsible and apt interaction through the Pre-Placement Talk (popularly known as the PPT). The presentation by the company regarding the history, potential, future opportunities, and jobs available (content, compensation package, location, etc.) PPT also provides a company with the opportunity to recruit the students for summer training and internships. This sets the expectations right for both. FINAL PLACEMENT is when the Campus recruitment drives will be undertaken by inviting companies, Relevant Organizations to place the students of the University.

  • Facilities for the Guest Corporate Recruitment Teams and the Students (Internal & Other Colleges)
  • Separate cell established with an equipped and capable team of full time experienced members for placement.
  • Organize/Conduct training sessions on skill development through internal and external resources.
  • The CRC makes sure that the Recruitment Teams of all the visiting Corporate are provided best arrangements & hospitality at the time of Placement Events.
  • The Training & Placement Cell would provide for and ensure all audio-visual facilities, for PowerPoint Presentations/Pre-Placement Talks, Written test, Group discussion and interviews.
  • The CRC plays a pivotal role to guide the aspiring students to achieve a successful Job/career through regular interface between the stage of Academic program completion and a students’ entry to apt employment.
  • This cell shall also coordinate various activities related to the career development of the students along with the internships.