Hotel Management College in Dehradun

The School of Hotel Management and Tourism (SoHMT) under Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University is renowned as one of the best hotel management colleges in Dehradun for its outstanding performance in education and skill development. Since its establishment in 2020, SoHMT has consistently strived to deliver high-quality education, integrating theory and practice within a stimulating, inspiring, and unique environment. Within just a few years, SoHMT has established itself as a leading institution, garnering numerous achievements and solidifying its position as a top choice for aspiring hospitality professionals in Dehradun.

Programmes Offered

Diploma in Food Production View Details
Diploma in Food and Beverage Service View Details
Diploma in Bakery & Confectionery View Details
Bachelor in Hotel Management View Details
B.Sc. in Hospitality & Hotel Management View Details
BBA - Tourism and Event Management View Details
Masters in Hotel Management View Details
Admissions Open 2024

Admissions Open-2024

Merit-based admission process with online application at Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University.

School Highlights

A legacy and a Degree

Live Trainings

The School conducts various workshops to equip students with practical skills through tactical experiences.

Industry Practitioners As Faculty

Internship Opportunities During Program

Internships ensure that our students work with industry leaders, get real world experiences and are groomed into professionals ready for future challenges.

Laboratories and research center

Industry Exposure

Apart from semester long industry internships, students also visit landmark tourist destinations and hotels to relate theory with industry practices.

Industry practitioners as faculty

Practitioners And Industry Experts As Faculty

With an experienced faculty pool and visiting industry experts, students learn from those who have spent years in hospitality industry and can offer valuable insights.

Experiential Learning

Infrastructure For Practice

Our on-campus model kitchen, cafeteria, reception and restaurant are built to facilitate practice for students. Further, we have a training bar, housekeeping lab, front office lab and computer center to facilitate teaching.

Dr. Mahesh Uniyal

Dean's Message

Confucius once said, “Choose a job you love and you won't have to work a single day of your life". The choice of a career is one of the most important decisions a person can make in his/her life. Studying hospitality management should not be a chance or a trend or a fashion. One must have a will, an ambition, and a passion for this field. Hotel Management and Tourism is now a major area of academic study, research, and publishing.

This is due to its four core elements: Our cutting-edge programs, our state-of-the-art infrastructure, professional and internationally experienced faculty members, and certainly our talented students who are our future ambassadors in the hospitality industry worldwide.

Dr. Mahesh Uniyal
Dean, SoHMT

Faculties at School of Hotel Management & Tourism



  • To make the best hoteliers out of the hardworking and enthusiastic students by providing them best theoretical and practical knowledge, which will make School of Hotel Management and Tourism the preferred station for candidates that are looking for admission in Hotel Management and Tourism.


  • To offer quality theoretical and practical education to originate a leader of hospitality via, objective learning, academics, powerful industry alliance, and applied research.

Achievements & Activities

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Our Proud Achievers

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