Labs (Engineering)

Department of CSE & CA


Data-Analytics Lab

The Data Analytics Laboratory investigates topics related to data analysis and organization at large scale.


Linux-Unix Lab

This lab is used to provide students exposure in the areas of Operating Systems & Systems Development.


Networking Lab

The main research objective of the lab are computer networks and progressive network infrastructures emphasizing the issue of the information transfer of the multimedia nature with the required quality of services parameters (QoS).


Python Lab

This lab is used to provide students exposure in the areas of Python. It provide a learning space to the students for a better understanding of Java and its applications.


Programming & Oracle Lab

Main objective of this lab is to introduce students to the field of programming using C, C++, Java languages. The students will be able to enhance their analyzing and problem solving skills and use the same for writing programs in C, C++, Java etc.


Department of Civil Engineering

Concrete Lab

Concrete Lab

The Concrete Laboratory's main objective is to conduct research to improve concrete infrastructure that is stronger, more resilient, affordable, and sustainable.

Concrete Lab

Environment Lab

An environmental laboratory includes a staff of lab technicians that are specially trained in testing for contaminants that affect the environment and human and wildlife health.

Concrete Lab

Geology Lab

The Engineering Geology Laboratory provides testing services for ground and construction materials, such as soils, rocks, and aggregates, to determine and evaluate their physical, mechanical, and geotechnical properties.

Concrete Lab

Geotechnical Lab

The Geotechnical Laboratory is well-equipped with testing equipment for evaluating all engineering properties of soils and rocks, including index properties, compaction characteristics of soils, hydraulic characteristics, compressibility, rate of consolidation, and sheer strength.

Concrete Lab

Structural Analysis Lab

The lab uses such equipments for structural testing on newly developed structures of many different shapes, forms, sizes, and materials. Verifying the structural performance and specific properties of materials facilitates practical use.

Concrete Lab

Surveying Lab

The Surveying Laboratory is well equipped with the instruments and tools that students use throughout the surveying course. Surveying Laboratory contains measuring instruments for distance, vertical and horizontal angles, and elevation.

Concrete Lab

Transport Laboratory

Capgemini, Apollo Munich, Cadera, Academic Guru, Concentrix are some of the top notch recruiters at SOEC. Over the years, SOEC students have bagged 7 digits CTC offers.

Department of Mechanical Engineering


Theory of Machine & Design Lab

Objectives of this Theory of Machines lab is to impart practical knowledge on design and analysis of mechanisms for the specified type of motion in a machine.


Strength of Material Lab

The objective of the strength of materials lab is to demonstrate the basic principles in the area of strength and mechanics of materials and structural analysis to the undergraduate students through a series of experiments.


Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Lab

Lab is used to study all components used in refrigeration cycle. To Study heating and cooling refrigeration cycle. To determine the Refrigeration effect, Work output, Actual heating C.O.P, Carnot C.O.P, Theoretical C.O.P, Tonnage of refrigeration and plant efficiency. To determine efficiency of heat pump system.


Mechanical Workshop Lab

The lab provides required practical training to all Engineering students. The workshop has all necessary machines to carry out tensile and compression test of metals and non-metals. Impact testing machine used to find the impact strength of materials specimen.


Material Science & Technology Lab

The Materials Science Labs allows for the evaluation, development and redesign of materials for specific properties and improved performance characteristics.


Manufacturing Science and Technology Lab

The research mission of the Manufacturing Science and Technology Laboratory is to provide a fundamental understanding of the manufacturing processes mechanics and modeling.


Heat And Mass Transfer Lab

Lab course is primarily being offered to the III Year B. Tech Mechanical Engineering Students to make them understand the principles of i.e. conduction, convection, Radiation boiling and Condensation modes of heat transfer and principles of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.


Fluid Mechanics Lab

Fluid mechanics helps us understand the behavior of fluid under various forces and at different atmospheric conditions, and to select the proper fluid for various applications.


Fluid Machinery Lab

This lab has basic fluid mechanics set-up. The lab is equipped with different flow measuring set-ups such as venturimeter, orifice-plate, pitot tube, rotometer etc., where students can visualize the basic theory of working of the flow meter.


Automobile Engineering Lab

To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the Automotive Engine Systems & Sub Systems.


Applied Thermal Engineering Lab

Thermal Laboratory provides lot of opportunity to the students to study different types of IC engine, boiler performance study and to do their innovative projects.

Department of Electrical Engineering

Control System Lab

Control System

The Control Systems Lab in the Department of Engineering Technology contains a variety of laboratory equipment used in design and experimentation of digital and analog electromechanical feedback control systems.



In EMMI laboratory various practical based on measuring instruments are conducted. The lab comprises of quality instruments like Potentiometers, AC & DC Bridges.

Power Electronics Lab:

Power Electronics Lab:

The lab aims at imparting practical knowledge of power electronics to the students at various levels i.e. DEPM, B. Tech, and M. Tech. It is accordingly well equipped with equipment's and trainer kits to teach practical lessons from fundamentals to high level concepts to the students.

Machine Lab

Machine Lab

The Laboratory is equipped with conventional and modern Electrical and Electronics measuring equipments, various AC and DC electrical machines, and transformers.

Power System Lab

Power System Lab

The Power Systems Lab stresses student familiarity and experience with electrically-operated equipment and devices and the wide variety and use of electric motors, generators, speed drive control, transformers, and electrical power distribution.

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Basic Electronics Lab

Basic Electronics Lab

This lab is useful for students to design and analyze working of integrated circuits. Basic Laboratory Instruments: CROs signal generators, regulated power supplies, Millimeters and accessories. Breadboards, soldering facilities, other Measuring Instruments.

Microwave Lab

Microwave Lab

The lab is used for Microwave Measurement and Design & Characterization of Microwave devices and circuits research areas.

Digital Electronics Lab

Digital Electronics Lab

This laboratory will enable the undergraduate students to learn the basic concepts and techniques in digital electronic circuits and systems.

Optical Fiber Lab

Optical Fiber Lab

As a teaching laboratory it is used extensively in the Fiber Optical Communications course, as well as for several labs in Engineering Electromagnetics. It has been used occasionally in support of Fundamentals of Electronic Instrumentation.

Microprocessor Lab

Microprocessor Lab

This laboratory is used to provide intensive practical exposure to learn the assembly and embedded C programming systematically for the different issues of microprocessor and microcontroller

Project Lab

Project Lab

The Project Laboratory has a key role in promoting practical learning experience, where students develop creative proposals, and execute their final projects.